Wednesday, February 3, 2016


recent conversations and things ive read have me thinking more of death. obviously no one is truly foreign to it and others actually have seen the sting closer.

i've loosely followed this mans journey to death and it's had me praying for his family and just trying to be sensitive to the fact that we are not our own. his wife's words are so powerful. here's a review of his book.

i have no idea when my time or beloved family and friends have. i've tried visualizing all my family and friends with count down clocks above their heads and imagine being shocked at the differing times and "unexpected" deaths. our lovely niece is so near in my thoughts of death and life.

it's healthy to think about death in a way that sobers us from our individualism and brings us back to reality. it's not pretty but desperately needed.

Death, where is your victory?
Death, where is your sting?
56 Now the sting of death is sin,
and the power of sin is the law.
57 But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory
through our Lord Jesus Christ!
1 corinthians 15:55-57

Now I further saw that between them and the gate was a River, but there was no bridge so that pilgrims might cross over; moreover, the River was very deep. So Christian and Hopeful were shocked at such a sight; but the men escorting them declared, “You must pass through this River or else you cannot arrive at the gate of the City. Then the pilgrims asked if there was any other way to the gate.The  Shining Ones answered, “Yes, but no one else has been permitted to travel that way since the foundation of the world except Enoch and Elijah; and no others will be allowed until the sounding of the last trumpet.” Then the pilgrims began to despair in their minds, and especially Christian; they looked this way and that way, but no alternative route could be found by which they could avoid the River.Then they asked the men if the water was all of the same depth. They replied “No,” but could offer no further help other than the comment, “You shall find it deeper or shallower according to your trust in the King of the place.

-From Pilgrim's Progress
by John Bunyan

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