Friday, February 10, 2017

Around Here #9

i'm currently having a real itch for writing...(sigh). 

had a few insightful conversations this week. a good friend of mine, who i've pitched the idea of starting a blog together, shared some thoughts on being black in america. so good. now i really feel we need to start one!

been listening to this podcast on my runs and its so good. based on a true life murder mystery. i pray it gets resolved at the end. 

has anyone ever tried these mailer meals? they look good.

got a hold of a new friend's podcast, a bunch of homeschool moms! my type of thing.

this month i'm having some mommy friends over for a game night and appetizers.

omgosh califoria english! yes this is so true LOL!

my love will be speaking at this conference, can't wait.

currently watching this documentary. 

sat in while a good brother of ours got tested and then affirmed to proceed with God's work!

attended the send conference with church family.

i love watching the girls get better.

an impromptu birthday cake and confusion on who we're celebrating.

my morning breakfast choice.

the main man's next video project.

listening to this man is always a delight. i even got to ask him a question, yesssss!
AND having this little man around our home is a pleasure!

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